“Anyone who has a passion for sports vision can start offering this specialty service in the current clinical set up. This is what today’s guest shares with us. Dr. Jennifer Stewart is a former Div 1 athlete, business consultant, founder of a sports vision clinic called OD Perspectives, and creator of the Performance 20/20 sports vision training program. In this episode, Dr. Stewart discusses her journey from wanting to be a vet to becoming a well-recognized speaker, author, and consultant in the eye care space. She also gives us some insight into what a thriving specialty clinic looks like. Dr. Stewart is a strong advocate for private practice optometry. As such, she is active in consulting for and supporting private practice optometrists around North America. Join in and listen to what she has to say!”
Listen to the podcast at https://aboutmyeyes.squarespace.com/podcast-archive/episode-88-sports-business-and-independence-dr-jennifer-stewart.